Monday, March 23, 2009

Triple X Birthday Throwdown

I went all out for my "Dirty Thirty" birthday this past weekend. I had a pre-birthday throwdown on St. Patty's Day when my Miami Fairy Godmother made a surprise visit to Chicago! The real party came Saturday night when I had official party at Delilah's in Lincoln Park. The night started out slow as the bulk of the guests arrived fashionably late, but by 9pm neither the unsuspecting staff at Delilah's nor myself knew what hit them! My guest of honor, Wanda flew all the way in from New York and made sure the drinks were flowing and my fat ass didn't eat all of the cup cakes. A special appearance by the HUNGarian stripper extraordinaire, "Giorgio", made the night even more exciting. I honestly had no idea that I would get such an aggressive performance. Before I knew it i was handcuffed and had booty and cock rubbing all over me. It was interesting to see Giorgio then gyrate all over my Pretty Lesbian Friend! I bet she never expected a face full of cock! The night ended with me (Caroline), my Sista M (Angel) and Matthew (Margo) performing to the Cover Girls' freestyle classic, "Show Me".

The night didn't go without any mishaps. I threw up about 4 times and made quite the mess on my D&G jeans. My breath was pretty gross by the end of the night too. Luckily, I had time to go home and shower up before going to Circuit for more dancing and alcohol! So today I am sore and hung over....yet I can still smell my HUNGarian strippers crotch everytime I close my eyes.

(and that is a penis water gun in the first pic.....not the real thing, sorry! LOL)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the real photos you can't post LOL glad you had such a freakin great XXX bday

4:06 PM  

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