Goodbye Chicago :(

I was hesitant to title my final blog entry today as "Goodbye" because I don't know if I believe in "Goodbyes". They sound so sad.......but I don't think there is anything final or sad about this post. In less than 24 hours from now I am leaving the city I have called home for the past 7 years. It's going to be a long journey driving across the country but definitely not as grueling as the journey of the past 3 months.
I leave Chicago feeling a sense of accomplishment. During these past 7 years I made some amazing friends. These friends are absolutely the most beatiful people in the world. They stood by me through the thick and thin. There were also some not so great friends who supported me during the good times but seemed to disappear when times got rough. Nevertheless I am grateful for all of the people I have met and the experiences I have had because they turned that naive 23-year-old boy from Milwaukee into the man that I am today. Thank you.
I originally moved to Chicago to escape the armpit of the Midwest...... Milwaukee. There was also an ulterior motive for moving: to pursue an advanced degree in pharmacy. Despite the many sleepless nights spent studying and stressing I managed to get accepted into an excellent school and complete my Doctor of Pharmacy degree. For that reason also I feel accomplished.
I am looking forward to my new life in Florida because I have embraced the fact that now is the time for me to test my talents and fortunes in fresh waters. I look forward to finally having a normal that doesn't consist of chronic insomnia, exams, internships, etc. I can go out with friends or even date a nice young man (yes, i said DATE!) without worrying how I will juggle a love life, work and school. I look forward to getting back to some of my hobbies that I had to temporarily learning Portuguese!
I have made some mistakes during my time here in Chicago and I hope to use the wisdom that I have gathered from them to ensure that I don't make these mistakes again. I think I realize now what really matters in life.....and it usually isn't what glitters. I have learned that I can be my own worst enemy and my own best friend. I can be a sweet dream or a beautiful errr....damn you Beyonce stop influencing this note! lol
I've learned to have an opinion and the confidence to defend it. I've learned to be a better person.
So tomorrow when I am driving down I-94 and see the Chicago skyline slowly disappear in my rearview mirror I won't be sad because I know that all people and memories will remain with me for the next journey........the next chapter.
Remember, when one chapter ends another one begins!
Beach Kuchi Kaiai.....feeling the funk in Southern Florida!
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