The ABC's of Cock Teasing

Last night I was at Circuit for their monthly themed event, Nitro. Those parties are always over the top and amazing. DJ Peter Rauhofer was spinning and whenever such a big name DJ comes to Chicago, you can bet all of the "party bois" are out in full force. Now, when I say "party bois" I am refering to all of the guys who are rolling on every recreational club drug you can think of: E, G, K, X, Y and Z! lol I can't keep up with all of the names but that's not my point. I have never tried the two most popular ones, Ecstasy and GHB. This isn't because I am against ingesting mind altering toxic chemicals (in other words I am a weekend alcoholic!) nor do I pass judgement on those who do take these substances (I'd rather be in a room with really horny people on E than with scary cracked out Whitney Houstons!). However I simply can't get past the fact that GHB scares the fuck out of me. I've witnessed first hand on several occasions what happens when someone takes too much and it isn't pretty. I spend way to much on my Diesel and Dolce & Gabbana threads to end up ruining them as I fall on the dancefloor in convulsions and get trampled by 500 queens.
I do benefit though from all of the rampant illegal drug use though! Those "bois" on E let you molest and have your way with them on the dancefloor! I love it. I know it sounds hard to believe but I am not always looking to take someone home. Sometimes I just want to be a cock tease and feel up on a nice muscular ass, grab a few crotches, pinch some nipples and maybe have a make out session on the dance floor and then go home......ALONE! The whole process reminds me of seeing strippers without having to tip. I love it.
But seriously, I wouldn't want to take any of these drugged up boys home with me. It would totally kill the moment if we had to interrupt a blow job so I could call 911 to save them from an overdose. I mean, that would be so embarrassing and tragic. I like my bj's to completion dammit!