A Homegirl Called Wanda

Well, Pride weekend came and went. I had to laugh looking back at my last post. I guess I was in a really bitchy mood after being subjected to firecrackers and video games the night before. I can't stand either one but it was all part of a going away party for my Homegirl Wanda, so I felt compelled to be a good sport and not complain. However, the next time someone insists that I play some retarded video game on their Wii I will not be responsible for whatever violent reaction that may follow, LOL.
The actual day of the parade went well. I didn't watch the parade but as I walked down the street I did catch a glimpse of my friends who were on floats (My Gym Sister, Private Dancer, etc). Apparently some Queen fell off a float and got run over by the Red Bull people causing a 45 minute gap in the parade. I barely noticed because I was having a Sista M throw down at Sidetrash. One of my favorite bartenders kept treating me to free shots so I was getting nice and sloshy. There was also some major drama starting to brew so after Sidetrash I was smart enough to detach myself from the situation (cuz I heard later on things got ugly!) and spent the rest of the evening with other friends, including my Homegirl Wanda. The night ended at Roscoes which was rather appropriate since it was where I had met Wanda for the first time 6 years ago. I was new to Chicago and he quickly became my first real friend in my new city. I am sad to see him leave but at the same time very excited to see him start a new chapter in his life.
Here are just a few of the pics I took....and yes, most of them were taken under the influence of alcohol!

(we were trying to look hard core in that picture!)

I'll miss you Wanda!